StrEATFood Awards winner interview

We speak to our 2023 StrEATfood Chef of the Year winner, Matthew Chapman from Angel Hill Food Co...

What do you think set you apart from the competition?
For my signature dish, I think the fact that I used a meat that nobody else used. Goat is sustainable and a bit more niche. The fact that I smoked it myself at home, that had a big impact too.

With the technical, I’m not really sure. I just cooked something that I like to eat, either at home or out at a street food market. The judges clearly like the same sort of food as me!

Are you looking forward to celebrating?
Oh, we are definitely going to go for a few beers now! I did quite well at the Salon Culinaire competition earlier on in the year too, so it can go up on the mantelpiece with that. It’s been a good year for me.

Will you be back here next year?
It’s highly likely that I will be back. I can’t not now can I?

How are you going to improve on tonight?
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it!

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